Dr. Miriam Neiger-Fleischmann - Artist, Poet, Scholar 

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Dr. Miriam Neiger - CURRICULUM VITAE
Address: Derekh Hebron 112/ 28, Jerusalem, 93481                       
Telephone: 02-6719335 
mobile: 052-4436351
fax: 02-6719335                          
miriamneiger@gmail.com ; miriam.neiger@mail.huji.ac.il

Currently:     2020
   -   Independent  Scholar
Visiting scholar at the Hebrew Literature department, The Hebrew                                          University, Jerusalem.                                
                       2016-2018: Visiting scholar at the Cherrick Center for the study of Zionism the Yishuv                             and  the State of  Israel  at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2015: PhD : "From the Abyss of Limbo: The Poetry of Avigdor Hameiri from Its Beginnings to the Publication of Sefer Hashirim in 1933" Supervisor: Professor Hannan Hever, Hebrew Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  
2008: Master at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem magna cum laude. Thesis: Eschatology, Vision and Salvation in the poetry of Yehuda Amichai.  Supervisor: Professor Ariel Hirschfeld, Hebrew Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  2005-2007: MA studies, Hebrew Literature , Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  2003-2004: Supplementary  studies for MA
  1977-1981: BFA studies, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
Presentations in Academic Conferences:
July 2024, Haim Gouri: "Cylinder bridge" over the Danube; between the Holocaust and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, AIS&EAIS, Charles University, Prague.
2022 (August), Ode to Heroism and Prankster’s Tale: The Epic Poem Yossili Teglasi, Avigdor Hameiri’s Final Opus, The 18th. World Congress of Jewish Stdies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 
2022 (July),  Between Hungarian and Hebrew: The Poetic and the Political in Avigdor Hameiri’s Translation of Imre Madách’s Play Az ember tragédiája, BIAJS (British and Irish association of Jewish studies) annual Conference 2022: Unfolding Time: Texts – Practices – Politics, King's College, London.  2022 (June), Avigdor Hameiri, 1948: “The Quality of Motherhood” (Midat Ha’Imahut) - The Moral Role of a Writer in the State and his Responsibility for a National Revision, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies, Israel: Conflicts and Mobility in a Diverse Society, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan.
2019 (July), "Once in Winter": Crucial Encounter- Avigdor Hameiri and Abraham Sutzkever in Siberia,  Sefer, the 26 Annual International Conference on Jewish studies, Moscow.
2019 (June), In the Halo of the Land of Darkness: From 1948 and On in Avigdor Hameiri's Poetry, NAPH International Conference On Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Boston University.

2017 (August), "Echo from Hell": Avigdor Hameiri's Response to the Holocaust, 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
2017, (June), “The Sinai is Boiling”: Avigdor Hameiri and the Balfour Declaration, AIS 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, A Century after Balfour: Vision and Reality  Brandies University, Boston.

2017, (March), "Does the revolution exists for its own purpose?" Study in two oeuvres of Avigdor Hameiri: Holovanevsk (1919) and "Between Man's Teeth -  Silent Film - Odessa, 1919-1920", Hundred Years to the Russian Revolution, The Historical Society of Israel 40th annual meeting, Tel-Aviv University.
2016, (May), Herzl’s Moments of Rage”: Avigdor Hameiri’s Zionism and Hungarian Jewry in the Early Twentieth Century, "Always Hungarian", The Jews of Hungary through the Vicissitudes of the Modern Era, International conference, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan.

2016,(February), " Lamenatzah al Ken Tzipor" ("For the Director on bird's nest") The Humor as a Political mean in the of Avigdor Hameiri, The 2nd. Interdisciplinary Conference for Humor research, The Kibbutzim College, Tel Aviv.
2015, (October) Two Homelands, Two Soul: Avigdor Hameiri's hybrid identity, : Spiritual Homelands-Wahlheimat-Elective Exiles, University of Virginia, USA

2015, (March), Avigdor Hameiri's "Masa Be'Eiropa Haprait",(A journey  in wild Europe) Between documentation and literary construction, "Literary Journyes" The School of Literature conference, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem
2014, (June), "Smamit Hagalut", Between the poetry of Avigdor Hameiri and the Hungarian Symbolism,  International conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
2014, (June), On an unpublished poem in the Hebrew edition: Hybrid identity and trauma in the poems which appeared in Avigdor Hameiri's "The Great Madness", World war 1, A hundred years after: Local and Global perspectives, The 37th. annual conference of History, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem.
2014, (May), “Uleshoni kol kakh Ivrit”, Avigdor Hameiri and the Question of the Hebrew Language in Hungary of the early 20th. century, Language, Nation and Modernity,  Hebrew in Europe, 1800 to the present.  Kings college, London & UCL, London
2013 (July) My two souls: The formation of the young Avigdor Hameiri's hybrid identity in a multinational state and its expression in his poetry. 16th world congress of Jewish studies.
2012 (May) The apocalypse of Jasmin and Tufiqe the blind - The Crazy Book of Haim Gouri as a site of mutual trauma. The Hebrew literature and the Palestinian Nakba, Tel-Aviv (Beit Ha'am)
2012 (march) Eyaluti Malkat Htza'ar: The erotic poetry of Avigdor Hameiri; A trial of politic reading, Love discourse in Literature, The school of literature conference, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
2011 (May) In the "Salon des Refusés": Lea Goldberg's "A Portrait of the Poet as an Old Man," "Looking at a Bee," and Avigdor Hameiri's "Partners in Age and Poverty": Questions of Hybrid Identity ?. Academic conference dedicated to the work of Lea Goldberg In honor of her 100th anniversary, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2011 (May) Befardes Hatza'ar (In the garden of sorrow)  Avigdor Hameiri's war and captivity poetry writing Trauma, Literature, Trauma and Memory, conference of the school of Literature, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2010 (June), "Between Hungarian and the Hebrew, between tragedy and vision: on the translation of Avigdor Hameiei to the 'dramatic poem' by Imre Madach Az ember tragédiája", Translating Literature, Translating Culture, School of ancient and new literature, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2010 (March), "The resurrection of the mound", a study in the poem "Tel-Gat" by Yehuda Amichai's, the 8th. Conference for PhD. candidates, The Mandel institute for Jewish studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2009 (May) M. Neiger, Secular Theology and Dialogue with Amichai; Reading the poem: "Israel Betah B' ה' (Israel Trust God) ,A conference for the poet and translator Meir Vieseltier, School of literature, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.  
2006 (march), The reports are contradictory -  The gospel according to Gouri: A study in  the cycle of  poems: The Gospel according to Gehazi; The Literature writes itself: Ars-poetic and identity, Conference:  School of literature, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 

A book: In preparation: From the Abyss of Limbo: The Poetry of Avigdor Hameiri, A Monograph (In Hebrew)


2012 M. Neiger, The apocalypse of Jusmin and Blind Tufiqe - Haim Guori's "The crazy book" as a location of joint Trauma, Article on line: http://zochrot.org/uploads/uploads/164d96151d3400eaef42cc99277e0c9f.pdf

2013  M. Neiger, And I didn't Say, A Vision for the End of the Days", Eschatology in the poetry of Yehuda Amichai. Jerusalem studies in Hebrew literature (Mekhkarey Jerushalaim besifrut Ivrit), Vol 26, pp 311-338 (Hebrew).

2021, M. Neiger, "Herzl's moments of rage": Avigdor Hameiri's Zionism and Hungarian Jewry in the early twentieth century", "Always Hungarian", The Jews of Hungary through the Vicissitudes of the Modern Era, Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan, pp. 41-65 (Hebrew)
2023, Motti Neiger and Miriam Neiger-Fleischmann, A Digital Safe Haven: Six Functions of social media for Second Generation Holocaust Survivors, Ed: Edited By 
Judith Tydor Baumel-SchwartzAmit Shrira, International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Descendants of Holocaust Survivors, Routledge, UK, 2023, pp 169-181.

--- (in praparation), M. Neiger,  Hungarian and Hebrew between Tragedy and Vision: The Poetic and the Political in Avigdor Hameiri’s Translation.
Other publication
2009 M. Neiger , 
קינה לקלמן, או זיכרונות ממונקאץ' שאבדה Elegy for Kalman or memories form Lost Munkacz, (Ha'aretz, Tarbot Vesifrut, 3.7.2009 Hebrew)
2015 M. Neiger - Fleischamann. 
השערוריה המגדרית הראשונה בארץ ישראל ("It is your fault you were born a girl"  The First Gender Scandal in Eretz Israel,) (Ha'aretz, Tarbot Vesifrut, 20.2.2015 Hebrew)

2018 M. Neiger-Fleischmann,
מניין נחל סוצקבר את שיריו (  Szutkever's first poetic influence)
(Ha'aretz, Tarbut Vesifrut, 19.10.2018. Hebrew)

 2019 M. Neiger-Fleischmann,
ירושלים, ירושלים, בין בניך השרי נא שלום ( Jerusalem, Jerusalem, set peace among your children, Please) (Ha'aretz, Tarbut Vesifrut, 31.5.2019)

Prizes and awards

2013                Avraham Harman Institute of contemporary Jewry Scholarship 
2012                Lea Goldberg scholarship for research travel, The program for outstanding              
                        PhD candidates in Humanities
2010                Travel grant  from the authority for research students
2009                 A merit based award for a PhD candidate, in the honor of Professor
                         Shlomith Rimon-Kenan (for excellent thesis) from The Center for
                         Literary Studies The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Other prizes
Scholarship for excellent students (living grant), Institute for Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2003 Acum prize for anonymous handwriting in poetry.
1992 Artist’s scholarship for the “Cite Internationale des Arts”, Paris
1991 Prize of the Fund for Belles-Lettres, the municipality of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Foundation.
1988       The  Hershon prize for literature, the Hebrew University.
1985 The Young Artist prize (Ofer Feniger prize), The artist’s House, Jerusalem.
1981 The Best Painting prize for graduating student by gallery Linsen, Germany.
Employment History
since 1981:

Professional artist. Participated in many exhibitions in galleries and museums, both in Israel and abroad. See: Artistic bio.
 since 1986:


Poet. She has published four volumes of poems in Hebrew: Words in a Visual Space (1992), Images Reproduced (1999), Material in No Man’s Land (2007), and Song for Miriam (2018). She has won several prizes in Israel. One volume in Hungarian translation, Száműzetés (Exile, 2002, trans. Zsuzsa Zalaba), appeared in Budapest. A volume of poems in English translation, Death of the King and Other Poems (2017, trans. Anthony Rudolf), appeared in Nottingham, England (Shoestring press). This volume was also translated from the English into Romanian by Victor stir: Moartea regelui si alte poezii (Editura StudIS Iasi ,2017). And into French: Le Poème de Miriam, Michel Eckhard Elial (Edition Levant, Montpellier, France, 2021)

1990-1991 Teaching courses “touring and drawing the landscape of Jerusalem, Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem.
1987-1990: Teaching courses “Drawing Negev landscapes”, Overseas student programs, Ben-Gurion university of the Negev
1987: Teaching aquarelle course in the department of external studies,  Ben-Gurion university of the Negev. 
1985-1989             Teaching art courses (drawing, painting design, )and mentor in advanced courses and teacher’s supplementary studies in the School of Visual Arts, Beer-Sheva
1981-1985:  Teacher’s tutor for “Lemida peila” (active-open learning) in elementary schools,  School of education,  The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1981-1982: Teaching art in high school and junior high school –  “Gymnasia Rehavia”, Jerusalem
1977-1980: Teaching art in elementary school – “Zalman Aran”, Jerusalem
1975-1976: Teaching art in high school – Qiryat Motzkin and establishing an art center for the youth there.
1973-1976: Teaching art in elementary school “Korczak” Qiryat Motzkin.
1971-1972: Manpower manager assistant, Israel military industries, Haifa

Professional soldier (standing army service) – lieutenant in ZAHAL (administrative jobs) in the engineering force. Military service: 1967-1969 second leiutenent



Hebrew: Native Tongue
English: Fluent
Hungarian: Fluent
Yiddish: High level reading abilities